In 1996, Dr. Polly Matzinger, iconic grand dean of American immunology, posed the most important question in the history of the treatment of malignant disease, “Is cancer dangerous to the immune system?” Spoiler alert: the equally important answer is “no”. Matzinger’s question stemmed from her seminal revision of immunology, known as the Danger Model. Application of this model has brought about innovations in clinical practice, leading to better strategies for transfusions, transplants, and in a few instances cancer treatment (this would be faster if not for the cartel-like practices of Big Pharma). The Danger Model holds that the primary function of the immune system is to repair damage, and that the immune system primarily “sees” wounds. Therefore, using safe and nontoxic measures to repeatedly “wound the tumor” can prompt Gerson-enhanced tissue to orchestrate Coley-amplified circulating immunities to clear tumors.