Coffee Enema Procedure
Coffee enemas accelerate the liver’s removal of toxins from the blood and tissues, promote healing, and relieve pain.
Plastic enema bucket with plastic hose (hot-water bottle/douche equipment can be used)
Coffee (1 cup concentrate + 3 cups warm water)
Pad to place under you while taking enemas
Soap for cleaning
Peroxide for sterilizing
Taking a coffee enema:
1 Pour warm coffee in your bucket/bag. Hang bucket/bag 18-24” above your body.
2 Lie on the right side, with legs gently drawn up. Insert tube only 1-3” into rectum. Use the plastic ring (or pinch the tube with your fingers) to control the speed of flow. Take it slowly, especially at first.
3 Once the coffee is in the colon, hold for 10-15 minutes. Leaving the tube in place in the rectum while holding the enema can alleviate “leaking” and gas problems by allowing the coffee to go back up the tube and return to the rectum once the pressure is relieved.
4 Let coffee out into toilet. Note: be sure to close the anal sphincter after each movement (like the Kegel exercise).
5 Keep your bucket/or bag clean at all times. Wash with soap and rinse with peroxide daily.
Notes: Intestinal spasms and cramping can be caused by strong irritation to the intestinal tract and lead to problems with the enemas. It becomes difficult to instill the full 32 oz. of coffee solution, difficult to hold the enema the full 10-15 minutes or, on the other hand, the enema becomes trapped and cannot be released. Following is a list of possible remedies which have proved useful to others:
Check the enema technique: Be sure that the tip of the enema tube is inserted securely past the anal sphincter (usually one to two inches). Do not try to force the tube into the colon. The temperature of the enema solution should be only slightly higher than body temperature, i.e. 100-103ºF. During high fevers, even body temperature coffee is too cool and may shock the intestine. If the temperature is too cold, cramping can result. Don’t raise the enema bucket too high. If the flow is too rapid, it can set up counter-spasms. About eighteen to twenty-four inches is a good bucket height. If spasms occur, immediately lower the bucket to allow the flow to back up a few inches to relieve the pressure. After 20—30 seconds slowly start raising the bucket toward the original level. The flow can also be controlled by pinching the tube with your fingers or adjusting the plastic ring to a partially closed position. It may take some time to get the enema completely instilled, but this is acceptable.
Light massage: Gently work from the lower right abdomen upward to the ribs, across to the left side, then down the left side. The procedure can relieve cramps and dislodge a “stuck” coffee.
Heat over the abdomen: Can be applied by a heating pad. This has a calming effect on the irritated, hyperactive intestinal tract.
Lower the dosage: This can be accomplished by either using less coffee concentrate in each enema or by using only part of a prepared enema.
Caution: If you run into chronic problems, discontinue enemas until you arrive at CHIPSA and meet with the physician.